10 Things You Should Definitely Be Posting on Twitter

Ready to take your Twitter game to the next level! Below are 10 ideas to improve your Twitter content and take your social media strategy to the next level. 1. Links to press releases and announcements If you want to share something with the media, you should post it on Twitter. Twitter is the social network of choice for journalists. Nearly 25% of Twitter’s verified accounts are journalists and media, according to Triggertrap CEO Haje Jan Kamps. For good measure, mention your favourite reporter on a tweet to get their attention. 2. Images Images do very well on Twitter, with the average image-enhanced tweet getting 35% more retweets than a text-only tweet, according to Twitter. 3. Public responses Twitter provides you with a good snapshot of your audience’s general mood towards you and your organization. You should consider addressing widespread concerns or falsehoods with carefully written tweets. If you want to […]

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8 Excellent Examples of Star Wars Engaging Fans on Social Media

Star Wars is one of the largest film franchises in history. The sci-fi series has generated over four billion dollars in gross revenue, a figure that will only get higher with the release of the seventh film, “The Force Awakens”, on December 18th, 2015. The Star Wars franchise was built first and foremost on a great story. The franchise has also done an excellent job of keeping fans engaged and energized through social media. Star Wars maintains an active social media presence on networks as diverse as Tumblr, Instagram and Google+. All of the Star Wars social content used is optimized towards each network’s audience and platform. For example, the Star Wars Google+ account is used primarily for Q and A, whereas its Tumblr blog serves as a place for fan art. Whatever the platform, the Star Wars social media activity seems geared towards one purpose: to engage and excite […]

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Follow These 9 Steps to Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Views

LinkedIn is the largest social network for professionals, with approximately 400 million users. Having an attractive LinkedIn profile is essential if you want to market yourself in the modern professional environment. But how do you get more people to view your LinkedIn profile page? To get more views on LinkedIn, you need to build connections, maintain an attractive profile, post thought-leadership content and engage your LinkedIn community. Follow these 9 steps below to get more people to view your LinkedIn profile page: 1. Include a Great Profile Photo and Description Your LinkedIn photo and professional description are the first thing people see before visiting your profile page. LinkedIn users who include a professional photo on their profile are 14 times more likely to be discovered. 2. Keep Your LinkedIn Page Updated Update your profile whenever you complete a course, publish an article or get a promotion, etc. Users who list […]

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10 Ways to Repurpose Website Content to Help Spread Your Message

Have you ever experienced a creative block while producing content for your website? Creating website content can be a tough, time-consuming process. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many ways you can repurpose website content that will not only save you creative energy, but will also help you reach a larger audience while avoid getting punished by search engines for duplicate content. Content comes in many forms, from text to image to audio to video. And we should be making use of these different forms to reach a larger audience and spread our message. 10 Ways to Repurpose Website Content 1) Blog Posts and News Updates This is often the starting point in the content repurposing journey. Website content comes in a variety of forms, and can include blog posts, news updates, press releases and reports. To ensure this content reaches its intended audience, it should be […]

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How Ecojustice is Using Digital Marketing in the Fight Against Climate Change

Global climate change is arguably the most pressing issue of the day. According to a 2015 World Bank report, a warmer climate could lead to the destruction of fragile ecosystems, worldwide crop failures, more unstable weather events and drive hundreds of millions into extreme poverty. Yet, despite the scientific consensus on human-caused climate change, a large number of people remain unaware – or worse, skeptical – of the challenge at hand. The need for greater public awareness is dire. Thankfully, Canada’s Ecojustice is stepping up to the challenge. What is Ecojustice? Ecojustice is a Canadian environmental law charity that represents community groups, non-profits, First Nations and individual Canadians in the fight for environmental justice. In addition to – and in support of – its legal activity, Ecojustice educates the public on various environmental issues such as climate change. The charity achieves this objective through a sophisticated digital marketing and advocacy […]

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