7 Practical Email Management Tips to Make Your Job Less Stressful

Love it or hate it, email management is an important part of the modern workplace. According to a survey conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute, office workers spend 2.6 hours per day reading and answering emails. That’s a lot of time! Emails are a primary mode of communications for many work settings and should be treated with high importance. That being said, reading and responding to emails can also be a major distraction as well as extremely stressful, especially if you’re just starting out in your career. (Been there, done that.) So how does one manage their emails without it taking over their job? Check out my best practises for email management below! 1. Respect organizational hierarchy Emails from your manager should always take precedent over co-workers. Answer these emails first thing in the morning! Answering your boss’ emails early is also great for optics. 2. Don’t forget to pay the […]

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9 Eye-Opening Takeaways From the World’s Largest Gathering of Professional Communicators

On June 4th, leading communicators from across the globe converged in New Orleans to connect, network and learn at the International Association of Business Communicators’ (IABC) 2016 World Conference. I was fortunate enough to attend this event and partake in the jazz and gumbo-infused festivities. I was expecting to learn about new tactics and technologies, but the event also covered major themes and trends relevant to professionals of all stripes. Relevant to YOU! Below are my top 9 takeaways from the IABC 2016 World Conference: 1. Hierarchy is dying in the workplace The digitization of everyday life means that you no longer need to seek advice from traditional authority figures, according to leadership expert Seth Mattison. Now you can find that same advice from a 13-year old on YouTube. The hierarchical model is dying and being replaced by something much flatter and more chaotic. However, hierarchy is still the rule of the […]

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6 Digital Marketing Tricks to Get People to Read Your Blog

Do you want more people to read your blog, but are unsure how to go about doing it? Being a great writer is half the battle. But if you want your blog to be successful, you should know some basic digital marketing tricks to help promote it. So what are you waiting for? Consider using these 6 simple digital marketing tricks below to increase your blog’s readership now! 1. Use social media influencers Don’t have a lot of social media followers? Don’t worry! Get a social media influencer to share/retweet your post to exponentially expand your audience. Influencers are active on social media and have many followers. The best way to get an influencer to share your post is to include them in the article. I experienced this firsthand when British comedian Ricky Gervais retweeted my tweet – which was a link to my blog post covering his social media […]

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6 Awareness-Expanding Exercises to Become a Better Communicator

What separates an amazing communicator from everyone else? What makes an entertainer funny, a writer intriguing and a politician inspiring? On the surface, entertainers, writers and politicians may not look like they have a lot in common, however, they do share one common attribute: heightened awareness of their target audience. To connect with your audience, you must first understand your audience. Whether you’re writing or speaking, being generally aware of your audience will help you connect and captivate, and come up with quick-witted responses. Just observe any stand-up comedy routine or political speech: the best performers understand their audience inside and out, and know exactly which buttons to push. The Ultimate Awareness-Expanding Routine Below is a typical routine of what many communications professionals do on a regular basis to expand their awareness and improve their communication skills: 1. Go for a walk You must understand yourself, your motivations and biases […]

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How to Find Time to Write When You’re a Working Parent

Though rewarding, writing can be a difficult activity. Writers need to be patient and often face criticism for their work. Writing also requires LOTS OF TIME… a luxury many working parents don’t have. I’m a working parent who also happens to be a writer. I know what it’s like to try to balance everyday responsibilities with a writing passion. I know what it’s like to want to be the best father in the world while also aspiring to be a superb writer. The juggling act may seem daunting, but it’s definitely possible to be a good parent, spouse, employee and writer all at once. Here’s my advice: Let go of the idea that you can write 4-8 hours a day Reality check. Unless you’re employed as a full-time writer, it’s unlikely you have hours upon hours to write each day. If you were to write like this, you would be […]

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