Why Politically Correct Communications Is Good for Business

For many, “political correctness” is a pejorative term and comparable to some form of Orwellian thought suppression. Some may find it annoying: We have all experienced a moment when we had to double check an email to ask ourselves, “Will this offend someone?” But is politically correct communications such a bad thing? From now on, we should call political correctness what it really is: an inclusive and aware form of communications that is sensitive of the needs and concerns of others. From a professional communicator’s point of view, it makes sense to be more inclusive as it opens the doors for further engagement with our audience. Just remember that no matter how good your services, your audience will automatically tune you out if they perceive you as out of touch or uncaring. It’s not about you; it’s about your audience I’m sure many of you have witnessed the below scenario […]

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What’s More Important? Meeting a Deadline vs. Content Quality

Have you experienced the following at work: You need to send an important document to the printer in less than an hour. However, you’re pretty sure the content isn’t up to par. You’ve made some edits, but just not enough to meet your high standards. You don’t know what to do. Do you submit the document anyway knowing that there may be mistakes? Or do you ask your manager for more time and risk looking incompetent? The above scenario is a common one for communicators, writers and journalists, who are pressured to produce high-quality work within strict deadlines. Personally, I hate choosing between quality and meeting a deadline, but sometimes – despite the best planning – you just can’t avoid it. So what do you do in an emergency situation like this? The answer depends largely on the kind of deadline you’re dealing with. Do you have a soft or hard deadline? […]

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How to Cover an Event on Social Media from Start to Finish

Expand your event’s reach by reporting it live on social media! Long gone are the days when your event’s reach was limited to the number of butts you could get into the seats. With social media, you can now reach a potentially larger virtual audience, increasing engagement with your community along the way. But social media reporting is more than just sending out random tweets. To have a truly great experience, you will need to prepare in advance with plenty of marketing and planning, followed up by post-event marketing and analysis. Below are some tips on how to maximize real-time reporting to get your message out: Pick a social media platform Twitter is the best social network when it comes to real-time reporting and the favourite platform for media professionals, who may want to cover your event. If you’re planning for a more intimate, invite-only event, consider hosting with a […]

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8 Social Media Content Types You Haven’t Thought of Yet

To be a great advocate on social media is to be a great communicator. With this in mind, it shouldn’t be a surprise that content and engagement is the secret sauce of social media advocacy. Ideally, your social content should be multi-dimensional, serving multiple purposes – from fundraising to public awareness – and hitting all the right emotional notes. Your social content should also speak to your brand and how your organization is achieving its vision. I’ve provided below 8 different examples of content that I hope will inspire your next social media move. 1. Success stories When people donate and contribute to your cause, they want to know that their support is making a difference. That’s why it’s crucial your organization shares posts on social media that highlight success stories and progress. In the Facebook post below, Plan Canada – the architect of the “Because I’m a Girl” campaign […]

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3 Essential Elements Behind Every Successful Social Media Post

Want to promote your cause on Facebook and Twitter? Advocates, communicators and activists have long used social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to spread awareness about their issues and promote their cause. Popular campaigns such as #IdleNoMore, #StandwithPP and #icebucketchallenge are proof of social media’s ability to bring about change. So what does it take to be an effective advocate-communicator on social media? If you want to promote your cause on social media, you must first be passionate about your cause – of course! You must also have a basic understanding of social media marketing principles, which includes regularly using the following key elements in your social media posts: 1. Call to action Absolutely the most important element for advocacy on social media! The call to action (CTA) is copy that encourages your audience to take a desired course of action, such as clicking on an accompanying hyperlink. Your […]

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